Walsh College Student Email Account

All students are assigned a Walsh College email address and are required to access their Walsh email account regularly. Walsh College uses Okta single sign on technology in conjunction with multifactor validation to secure all user authentication. All Walsh College websites that contain personally identifiable information are digitally secure and encrypted, protecting the confidentiality of its usage. All official administrative email communication (account balances, graduation audit notification, Commencement information, e-newsletter, etc.) will only be sent to the student’s Walsh College email address. Similarly, Walsh College email is required for communication between a student and faculty member regarding grades, quizzes/exams, performance in the course, etc.

Emails pertaining to potential violations of Walsh College policies will be sent to a student’s Walsh College email address and students are required to use their Walsh College email for all related communications, unless otherwise directed by Walsh College officials.

Official student administrative email requests (e.g., advising questions, adding/dropping classes, enrollment verification, etc.) must be sent from the student’s Walsh College email address. Students who regularly use another email account are able to forward their Walsh College email to that account.