This section reflects course updates made since the catalog was published on September 1, 2024.
BTC 853 Advanced Research in Business Technology I
BTC 854 Advanced Research in Business Technology II
BTC 855 Advanced Research in Business Technology III
IDS 853 Advanced Research in Business Studies I
IDS 854 Advanced Research in Business Studies II
IDS 855 Advanced Research in Business Studies III
This section reflects policy updates made since the catalog was published on September 1, 2024.
September 5, 2024
The following courses are approved for general education credits:
• ACC 315 Ethics in Accounting
• MGT 402 Business Ethics and Legal Issues • Any Ethics course (transfer coursework)
September 17, 2024
Clean Slate Policy Update:
Bachelor’s, Masters' and doctoral level students who have not attended Walsh College for at least one-year (12 consecutive months) and are reapplying for admission to any bachelor’s, master's degree, certificate program, or doctoral degree may request a one-time review of their previous academic coursework for exclusion from the grade point average (GPA) calculation under their new program. Courses chosen to be excluded from GPA calculation will include all attempts of the course. Under this policy, all courses, grades, and academic standing notations will still appear on the student’s academic transcript, but the student’s cumulative GPA for the new program will only include previous coursework required or used as electives under the new program. Students are required to sign a Clean Slate Policy form and a notation that the Clean Slate Policy has been invoked will appear on the student’s transcript. After invoking the Clean Slate Policy, the student’s transcript will not be updated until the student registers under the new program. Courses used as part of Clean Slate, in a program in which the student graduated, cannot be used toward transfer credits, advanced standing, waivers, or exclusions in subsequent programs.
This option allows courses and grades from the student’s previous bachelor’s, master's degree, certificate program, or doctoral degree to be excluded from their new degree or certificate program with the following stipulations:
Previously completed courses will not be excluded from cumulative grade point average (cumulative GPA) calculations for the new academic program if the course meets one of the following criteria: • Any course, including those which are dual listed, and all attempts of that course, which is a required course in the student’s new degree program • Any course, including all attempts of that course, that the student has chosen to include as an elective course in the new degree program • Any course that is being counted to reach the total number of required credit hours for a new bachelor’s, master's degree, certificate, or doctoral degree • Courses whose grades have been affected by findings of academic misconduct
November 21, 2024
Registration Policies and Procedures Update:
Registration information and the schedule of classes can be found on the Walsh College Student Portal. Log in and click the Register for Classes link on the Registration card for more information.
Students can register for classes online using Self-Service for Students in the Walsh College Student Portal through the seventh day of the semester. Students should consult the academic calendar for appropriate registration dates. If Walsh College encounters a problem processing a registration, the student will be contacted. Students are not automatically dropped for non-payment.
Students can confirm their registration at any time by using the “Registration and Student Planning” link in Self-Service for Students in the Walsh College Student Portal. Students should carefully review their schedules after registering and every time a schedule change is made to ensure that processing was completed and to ensure accuracy of course section numbers and meeting times. Confirmation of registration transactions will also be sent to the Walsh College email account. Ultimately, a student’s schedule is the student’s responsibility.
December 20, 2024
The following course is approved for general education credits:
•FIN 412 International Finance and Economics
This section reflects program updates made since the catalog was published on September 1, 2024.
September 6, 2024
BSAM - ACC 100 or ACC 300 can be applied to general education course requirements for Bachelor of Science in Applied Management degree.
BSIT - ACC 201 or ACC 300 can be applied to the general education course requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree.
BSIT - ECN 201 or ECN 202 can be applied to the general education course requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree.