Students may enroll in a 3 or 6 month payment plan that is administered by an external processor. Fees will be assessed by the external vendor for establishing a payment plan. Early enrollment is encouraged to avoid late fees.
Once the students have established the terms of their payment plan, they may set up automatic or manual payments. Students may use a credit card, debit card, or an e-check to make payments on their plan. Credit cards and debit cards will be assessed a non-refundable convenience fee by the processor. Payments may be made through Official Payments or directly through Self-Service for Students. Please allow 2 business days for any payment to be posted to the student’s account. A student may pay their account balance in full, at any time, and without penalty.
Please note that entering into a payment plan does not allow students to register with a past due balance, or release the financial hold on the student’s account.
Refer to the Tuition and Fees section of the Walsh website for additional information on payment plans.