The Walsh College Library collects and makes available specialized professional print and electronic resources in support of the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral curricula. The print collection consists of over 25,000 bound reference and circulating volumes, as well as more than 105 current periodical subscriptions. Walsh’s extensive tax collection is one of the finest in the State of Michigan. The Library delivers 24/7 access to over 125 full-text online business databases which includes over 150,000 online periodicals and 645,392 e-books. Off-site access to these online resources, as well as to a variety of electronic reserve items, are available to all Walsh students, faculty and staff.
Library staff welcome assisting students in various ways. Students can telephone or e-mail the librarians with questions and requests or use our chat service on the Library home page and chat is available to assist students Librarians are available via Zoom for face to face reference appointments, with a 24 hour notice. Students are welcome to visit the Troy campus for one-on-one assistance. The Troy campus has computers available to students for research, printing, and class assignments where Librarians are able to guide students with research tasks.
Walsh librarians provide reference services and deliver tailored classroom presentations. They are well versed with APA citation, plagiarism avoidance and copyright compliance.
The Walsh Library supports student and faculty research needs through no cost interlibrary loan. The Library participates in the MeLCat patron initiated interlibrary loan program which allows direct patron borrowing from more than 430 libraries throughout Michigan. This statewide resource sharing initiative makes the holdings of mostly academic libraries in Michigan readily available to Walsh students, staff, and faculty. Walsh is also a member of DALNET (Detroit Area Library Network) which is a consortium of 17 academic, public and special libraries in Southeastern Michigan. OCLC is another interlibrary loan partner, making books and articles loans from libraries worldwide.
The Library discovery system and curated research guides (LibGuides) provide students access to discipline specific information in areas such as: Accounting, Communication, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource Management, Global Business Information, Information Technology, Legal Resources, Marketing, Management, and Tax.
The main library collection is housed in the Vollbrecht Library located in the Jeffery W. Barry Center at the Troy location.
You can contact the Library via email at or phone: 248-823-1640.