International Student Information

International Student Services

International Student Services provides support programs and services to assist F-1 international students in achieving their goals. All F-1 international students must meet with their international student advisor/Designated School Official (DSO) prior to their first semester and are encouraged to meet each semester. International students should meet with their international student advisor/DSO if they experience academic difficulties, have questions about their academic program, or seek tutoring assistance. Visit for the most up to date information including Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) designated programs, Optional Practical Training (OPT), Curricular Practical Training (CPT), and more.

Admission on a F-1 Student Visa

Individuals seeking admission to Walsh College on an F-1 Student Visa must submit an application for admission and meet the general admission requirements for bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree programs. In addition, international and domestic student applicants whose education was completed outside of the United States must provide the following to be admissible:

  • An official international transcript evaluation by a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) approved agency.

  • Provide the required F1 International Student Packet documents including official statements of financial support through personal or sponsored funds.

  • Have maintained good standing of their previous F-1 status (applicable to transfer students) according to United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) regulations.

  • All application materials should be available for consideration by the international student advisor/DSO at least eight weeks prior to the first date of the semester for which the applicant is seeking admission. Only upon full admission to Walsh College will an I-20 be issued. All student visa holders are required to maintain full-time standing as defined in the Student Enrollment Classification section and pursue their designated program of study.

  • Bachelor's and Master's level students for whom English is not their first language must provide proof of English language proficiency. This proof may be in the form of one of the following:

    • TOEFL score of 79-80 (internet-based) or 550 written; or

    • MELAB score of 80; or

    • IELTS score of 6.5; or

    • Duolingo English score of 110; or

    • PTE A score of 53; or

    • Successful completion of Level 112 from ELS Language Centers; or

    • Successful completion of highest level of ESL program from an accredited U.S. institution; or

    • Successful completion of an English composition course from an accredited U.S. institution; or

    • Completion of a college degree from an accredited U.S. institution.

  • Doctoral level students for whom English is not their first language must provide proof of English language proficiency. This proof may be in the form of one of the following:

    • TOEFL score of 85 (internet-based) or 550 written; or

    • MELAB score of 80; or

    • IELTS score of 6.5; or

    • Duolingo English score of 115; or

    • PTE A score of 59; or

    • Successful completion of Level 112 from ELS Language Centers; or

    • Successful completion of highest level of ESL program from an accredited U.S. institution; or

    • Successful completion of an English composition course from an accredited U.S. institution; or

    • Completion of a college degree from an accredited U.S. institution.

Upon Admission to Walsh College, students attending on a F-1 student visa are required to:

  • Ensure requirements are met to maintain compliance with F-1 student visa requirements.

  • Purchase health insurance through Walsh College or provide proof of personal coverage. Please visit our website at for more information.

  • Arrange for their own living accommodations and transportation to and from locations. Walsh College does not offer residential facilities or transportation to classes.

Maintaining F1 Student Status

Full-time Registration Requirements and Exceptions for F1 Students


In general, F-1 students must be registered full-time. This is defined as at least:

  • 12 credits each semester for bachelor's degree seeking students

  • 6 credits each semester for master's and doctoral degree seeking students


Only one online class may count towards the minimum credit amount each semester. Students should not register for fewer than the required number of credits or withdraw from a course without first receiving permission from the school DSO. Part-time studies could jeopardize the student’s stay in the U.S. and make a student ineligible for F-1 benefits.

Progress in the F1 Student studies
To maintain status, an F-1 student is also required to “make progress”. Making progress includes, but is not limited to, enrolling in the proper courses required for degree completion, maintaining satisfactory academic progress, and continually meeting all institutional enrollment requirements.

In case an F1 student is academically dismissed or suspended, the SEVIS record will be terminated within 21 days from receiving the note about dismissal/suspension. In case a student is dismissed or suspended, transfer to a different school is strongly recommended, otherwise student has to make plans to leave the US after the record is terminated, there is no grace period after SEVIS termination.

F1 Guests Students need to present a copy of their current I20 from their home school prior to enrolling in Walsh College classes.

Border Commuters
The Border Commuter category/I-20 is an option for students who are citizens of Canada and who attend a U.S. institution within 75 miles of the U.S. and Canada border. Border Commuters may attend full-time or part-time. Students may change from a full-time I-20 to a part-time I-20.


Full time and Part-Time Border Commuters
Full-time border commuter students must be enrolled full-time every semester to maintain their F-1 visa status. All border commuters who wish to attend Walsh College will be issued an I-20 for one semester of enrollment. The student must be enrolled in at least one in-person academic course to maintain part-time border commuter visa status. The student must request a renewal of the I-20 every semester before the expiration date on the I-20. If the request is made after the end date, the student falls out of F-1 status and must request a reinstatement of the F-1 status and pay a new SEVIS again.


Border Commuters are subject to the following rules:

  • Students do not live in the U.S.

  • Students do not have an F-2 dependent.

  • Students can work on or off campus through Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

  • Students must renew the I-20 every semester before the expiration date located on page 1 of the I-20. This gives students continuous status which is important for maintaining eligibility for work authorization. If students do not renew the I-20 on time, they must wait until they have three terms of continuous status for work eligibility.

  • Students can apply for post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) work permit by filing an application with USCIS.

Change of Academic Level
If the student completes the current program of study and plans to continue at Walsh College in another program (for example, change from a BBA degree program to an MBA program or MS to MBA), your I-20 must be updated.

Change of Major
If you change your major (bachelor's degrees) or program (master's degrees), you will be issued a new I-20.

Name Change
The name on your I-20 should match the name on your passport. If you change any part of your legal name—first/given name, middle name, or last/family name—on your passport, this change should be reflected on your I-20. Note that SEVIS is a separate database from the college database.

Health Insurance
Walsh College requires all F-1 international students to have health insurance coverage that meets the College’s standards. You must show proof of insurance at the end of the first semester. Students who do not show proof of health insurance will not be allowed to register for classes or continue enrollment.

Failure to comply with any of the rules can result in the loss of your F-1 immigration status and possibly the accrual of unlawful presence. The Department of Homeland Security has more information on maintaining status on its website

Loss of F-1 Status:
There is a process to apply for reinstatement should you violate the terms of your F-1 status, however it is a very complicated procedure. The college DSO/advisor can assist students with basic information on F-1 reinstatement, but you may need to obtain legal advice from a trusted immigration attorney as well. Information regarding reinstatement can be found on the Department of Homeland Security website

Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a practical training that occurs during a student’s program of study. CPT is authorized for students that wish to engage in an internship for their specific degree. CPT activities must relate directly to a student’s major area of study and must be an integral part of the school’s established curriculum.


A Walsh College Designated School Official (DSO) may authorize CPT for an F-1 student if the student meets the following criteria:

  • Has been lawfully enrolled on a full-time basis, 12 credits for bachelor's level students and 6 credit hours for master's level students for one full year (minimum of 3 semesters at Walsh).
  • Has secured a training position.
  • Position was approved by the academic department chairperson.
  • Student has signed the Student Internship Agreement.

CPT training and process:

The employer or company providing the CPT must officially offer the F-1 student an internship opportunity. The employer or company must provide a written job offer letter that must:

  • Be provided on the company's letterhead.
  • Be addressed to the student.
  • Include a job title.
  • Provide a detailed job description (at least a few sentences describing specific duties, tasks, goals, etc.).
  • Include address where employment will take place (street, city, state, and zip code). If remote position, this must be specified in the letter and list the company’s physical address.
  • Specify number of work hours per week.
  • Specify start and end dates of CPT employment (CPT can only be authorized one term at a time).

Applying for CPT:

F-1 students who want to pursue a CPT should plan ahead. CPT authorization takes 1-2 weeks to process and requires several documents that may take time to compile. If a student does not

have a Social Security number, they must apply with the Social Security Administration to obtain their Social Security number. It may take up to three weeks to obtain the number.

All required documentation must be submitted to the academic advisor/DSO. The academic advisor/DSO will submit the job offer to the academic department chairperson for review.


Certain programs have an internship course required in the degree program/curriculum, and once CPT is approved, the student will be required to register for the internship class.


For degree programs that do not require an internship course, an internship course may be substituted for a required capstone class. The academic advisor/DSO will request a course substitution on behalf of a student. Upon approval, student will be required to register for the internship course.


Students must be registered for the CPT or internship course for an I-20 with CPT authorization to be issued.


Students will receive an email once the I-20 is issued and will be required to sign the I-20 for validation, it is the student's responsibility to keep all I-20s in a personal file.


CPT and unpaid Internship:

CPT is strongly recommended for all unpaid internships. CPT authorization by the school serves to demonstrate that this internship is part of the curriculum. It is the DSO’s recommendation that students apply for CPT authorization if student has an internship offer (paid or unpaid) that meets CPT eligibility criteria.

Part-Time vs. Full-Time CPT:
Part-time CPT: Employment for 20 hours or less per week is considered part-time. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in classes full-time and be physically present on campus to maintain lawful F-1 status during approved CPT.


Full-time CPT: Employment for more than 20 hours per week is full-time. Please be aware that 12 months or more of full-time CPT will eliminate eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT).


CPT Extension:

Extension of the CPT is possible only if student contacts the DSO providing a letter from the employer offering an extension of their internship at least two weeks to the current CPT expiration.


To receive an extension of a full-time internship, students must maintain the minimum required GPA in their program; 2.000 for bachelor's degree students, and 3.000 for master's degree students.

A new job offer must be submitted for approval if changing an employer or extending an internship with a new position in the same company.

Over 12 months of full time CPT will eliminate the student’s eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT).


IMPORTANT: F1 students should never begin/continue practical training UNTIL they have the I-20 in hand that provides authorization for the curricular practical training. If the student continues to work without this authorization, they are in violation of their status and SEVIS record needs to be immediately terminated.