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A student wishing to appeal a decision related to Walsh College policy or procedure may do so following the steps outlined. The Student Conduct and Appeals Committee reviews unresolved student issues concerning policies and procedures of the institution. Such issues might involve general student conduct and/or the application of academic or administrative policy.
Issues Not Considered by the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee
The Student Conduct and Appeals Committee will not consider challenges involving the following:
Committee Procedures
If the procedures outlined under Non-Academic Issue Resolution do not result in resolution of the issue, a student, faculty member, or administrative director may submit a written request to the director of academic operations within 90 days of the occurrence of the original event, for referral of the matter related to student conduct to the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee. The request should contain the following:
The director of academic operations will act on a request for referral to the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee, advising all parties involved of its disposition. The director of academic operations may decline to refer a matter to the committee due to insufficient cause to proceed; may consult directly with the affected parties to reach an appropriate resolution without a hearing; or may refer the matter to committee for consideration and final disposition. When the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee meets to consider an issue, new or additional issues may not be introduced during the appeals hearing. Each issue must receive separate due process and cannot be introduced to confuse or complicate the issue being appealed. The responsibility of the committee is to determine if there is evidence which would support the alleged act of misconduct or violation of policy and procedure.
If a Student Conduct and Appeals Committee is formed, the director of academic operations will assume responsibility for the following:
The Student Conduct and Appeals Committee will be composed of:
Anyone who is considered to have a conflict of interest in the proceedings may not be selected.
The chairperson of the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee will be responsible for the following:
Six committee members, excluding the chair, constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the committee will constitute a committee decision. Information regarding specific cases considered by the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee is considered strictly confidential. All records of and documents pertaining to a meeting of the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee, including the committee’s decision and record of notification to the affected student, will be retained in the office of the director of academic operations.
Appeal of a Committee Decision
Any individual desiring to appeal a decision of the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee or an issue not considered by the committee must do so in writing within seven calendar days after being notified of the committee’s decision. The appeal should be directed to the President of Walsh College who, in their sole discretion, may affirm, modify, or disapprove the Student Conduct and Appeals Committee’s decision. In all circumstances, the decision of the President of Walsh College is final.