Transfer Course Equivalency Guide

The following are the course equivalencies for each of the Walsh College bachelor degree programs. 

Click here for PDF link of the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide.


Bachelor of Accountancy (BAC) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

BBA Majors in Accounting, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General Business, HR Management, Information Systems, Management, International Business, Management, Marketing, Operations, and Project Management

Montcalm Equivalent Course

Walsh Equivalent Course

ACCT 115

ACC 300 Principles of Accounting

ACCT 116

ACC 310 Managerial Accounting

BUSN 183*or ENGL 101*

COM 210 Business Communications I

BUSN 200

BL 420 The Legal Environment of Business

ECON 215*

ECN 201 Economics I ^

ECON 216*

ECN 202 Economics II ^

ENGL 100* or ENGL 101*

ENG 100 English Composition ^

CMIS 115

IT 305 Business Computing Tools ^

MGMT 237

MGT 201 Management I

MGMT 250

MGT 303 Behavioral Management

MRKT 233

MKT 202 Marketing I

MATH 102* or higher-level MATH course/placement*

MTH 300 Business Algebra

MATH 190*

QM 202 Statistical Methods for Business

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)

BSIT Majors in Automotive Cybersecurity, Business Information Systems, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, General Information Technology, Programming, and Project Management.

Montcalm Equivalent Course

Walsh Equivalent Course

ACCT 115

ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I (ACC 300 may replace)

BUSN 183*or ENGL 101*

COM 210 Business Communications I

ECON 215*

ECN 201 Economics I ^

ENGL 100* or ENGL 101*

ENG 100 English Composition ^

CNET 151 or CSTC 127

IT 201 Introduction to Networking

CMIS 255

IT 202 Introduction to Databases

CPGM 130 or CPGM 131

IT 203 Introduction to Programming

CSTC 237

IT 204 Introduction to Cybersecurity

MGMT 237

MGT 201 Management I

MATH 102 or higher-level MATH course/placement*

MTH 300 Business Algebra

MATH 190*

QM 202 Statistical Methods for Business

Bachelor of Science in Applied Management (BSAM)

Montcalm Equivalent Course

Walsh Equivalent Course

ACCT 115*

ACC 100 Small Business Accounting (ACC 300 may replace)

BUSN 183*or ENGL 101*

COM 210 Business Communications I

CMIS 115

IT 305 Business Computing Tools ^

MGMT 237

MGT 201 Management I

MGMT 250

MGT 303 Behavioral Management

MGMT 245

MGT 404 Human Resource Management

MRKT 233

MKT 202 Marketing I

Additional elective credits may be taken to transfer 90 credits towards the BSAM degree requirements.

Any associate degree is required for admission.


*General Education requirements of 30 credits are met with courses noted with an asterisk (*) and courses satisfying Montcalm’s general education requirements and Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA). MTA is not required for Walsh College.


View the Transfer Equivalency Database for more equivalent courses by degree and major!


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