Student and Visitor Conduct

It is the goal of Walsh College to maintain a professional and safe environment that is conducive to learning and working. Walsh College reserves the right to take action for any other conduct which it deems inappropriate or improper. The following are examples of unacceptable behavior and are published to minimize the potential for misunderstanding. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive.

  • Forgery, alteration or misuse of Walsh College documents, records, or instrument of identification, as well as knowingly furnishing false information to Walsh College
  • Representing or acting on behalf of Walsh College or another individual when not authorized to do so
  • Misrepresenting oneself or one’s circumstances to gain an unfair advantage
  • Obstruction or disruption of teaching or other activities on location
  • Physical abuse, unlawful detention, or threatening behavior toward any person on location
  • Theft or damage to property of Walsh College or to property of a Walsh College student, employee or location visitor
  • Unauthorized entry or use of Walsh College facilities and equipment (including technology)
  • Illegal use or unauthorized possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or dangerous drugs on location
  • Failure to comply with the directions of Walsh College officials, members of the faculty, or other authorized individuals
  • Except for public safety officials, possession or use of firearms, even if an individual holds a concealed weapons permit
  • Possession or use of explosives or other weapons, or chemicals
  • Inappropriate attire. Visitors and students are required to wear shoes, shirts and pants/shorts or skirts
  • Bringing animals, except for service (guide) animals, on location
  • Attendance in any course by a non-registered individual(s), including dependents or other relatives of the registered student, is generally prohibited. This restriction doesn’t apply to individuals providing reasonable accommodation assistance for disabled students or to approved guest speakers. The faculty member or an administrator may grant exceptions to dependents attending class with the registered student in the case of an emergency. In these cases, students should obtain approval from the faculty member before class begins. Even if an exception is granted, the faculty member may revoke the arrangement for any reason at any time
  • Unsupervised children (generally defined as under age 16) are not permitted on location. Adults are welcome to bring children to the location while they conduct business; however, children must be closely supervised. Generally, nonregistered individuals, including children, should not be brought to class. Specific areas of Walsh, such as the library and computer labs, may have additional guidelines regarding children visiting those areas
  • Intentionally making false allegations or filing a false report regarding Walsh College with local, state or federal agencies. Such conduct may serve as a basis for discipline, including but not limited to suspension or permanent expulsion from Walsh College
  • Discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment) and sexual misconduct. Please refer to Walsh’s Title IX policy included in this academic catalog

“On location” or “facility” is defined as any location owned or leased by Walsh College, or any other location used to hold a Walsh College sponsored activity.

Any student, visitor, or employee can report an incident of alleged misconduct. All complaints should be reported as soon as possible to the appropriate supervising officer or director. If the situation involves a security-related matter and requires immediate attention, it should be reported to the main receptionist or any Facilities staff member.

An administrator, faculty member, or Facilities department staff member may remove any individual behaving in a disruptive or potentially disruptive manner. Non-emergency security issues must be reported to the assistant vice president of facilities and auxiliary services. Academic misconduct should be reported to the academic conduct committee. If the complaint is regarding an officer, it should be reported to the President.

The appropriate supervising officer or director will investigate the complaint and may take immediate action, if needed. Walsh College may search individuals/property or use surveillance activities to aid in an investigation. All parties involved in the incidents are expected to cooperate fully with the investigation. Any behavior(s) that Walsh College deems inappropriate can lead to disciplinary action up to and including academic dismissal; and/or termination of employment; removal and/or ban from the facilities; and/or filing of criminal charges. Students should see the Student Conduct and Appeals Procedure for further information.

Student Misconduct Disciplinary Designations

Disciplinary action for student misconduct can take multiple forms. The most serious disciplinary procedures include suspension and expulsion, as defined below.

Suspension from Walsh College

A suspension will terminate the student’s status at Walsh College for a specified period of time, not to exceed one year. This may be posted on the student’s academic transcript at the direction of the dean of academics.

At the end of the specified period, the suspended student will be required to request reinstatement to Walsh College. If granted, the student will be admitted conditionally. Any additional act of academic misconduct committed during the remainder of the student’s academic program will result in permanent expulsion from Walsh College, without the possibility of appeal.

Expulsion from Walsh College

Expulsion from Walsh College will permanently and irrevocably terminate the student’s status at Walsh College. This may be posted on the student’s academic transcript at the direction of the dean of academics.  An expulsion may not be appealed and the student will be permanently barred from earning a Walsh College degree.