Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a practical training that occurs during a student’s program of study. CPT is authorized for students that wish to engage in an internship for their specific degree. CPT activities must relate directly to a student’s major area of study and must be an integral part of the school’s established curriculum.


A Walsh College Designated School Official (DSO) may authorize CPT for an F-1 student if the student meets the following criteria:

  • Has been lawfully enrolled on a full-time basis, 12 credits for bachelor's level students and 6 credit hours for master's level students for one full year (minimum of 3 semesters at Walsh).
  • Has secured a training position.
  • Position was approved by the academic department chairperson.
  • Student has signed the Student Internship Agreement.

CPT training and process:

The employer or company providing the CPT must officially offer the F-1 student an internship opportunity. The employer or company must provide a written job offer letter that must:

  • Be provided on the company's letterhead.
  • Be addressed to the student.
  • Include a job title.
  • Provide a detailed job description (at least a few sentences describing specific duties, tasks, goals, etc.).
  • Include address where employment will take place (street, city, state, and zip code). If remote position, this must be specified in the letter and list the company’s physical address.
  • Specify number of work hours per week.
  • Specify start and end dates of CPT employment (CPT can only be authorized one term at a time).

Applying for CPT:

F-1 students who want to pursue a CPT should plan ahead. CPT authorization takes 1-2 weeks to process and requires several documents that may take time to compile. If a student does not

have a Social Security number, they must apply with the Social Security Administration to obtain their Social Security number. It may take up to three weeks to obtain the number.

All required documentation must be submitted to the academic advisor/DSO. The academic advisor/DSO will submit the job offer to the academic department chairperson for review.


Certain programs have an internship course required in the degree program/curriculum, and once CPT is approved, the student will be required to register for the internship class.


For degree programs that do not require an internship course, an internship course may be substituted for a required capstone class. The academic advisor/DSO will request a course substitution on behalf of a student. Upon approval, student will be required to register for the internship course.


Students must be registered for the CPT or internship course for an I-20 with CPT authorization to be issued.


Students will receive an email once the I-20 is issued and will be required to sign the I-20 for validation, it is the student's responsibility to keep all I-20s in a personal file.


CPT and unpaid Internship:

CPT is strongly recommended for all unpaid internships. CPT authorization by the school serves to demonstrate that this internship is part of the curriculum. It is the DSO’s recommendation that students apply for CPT authorization if student has an internship offer (paid or unpaid) that meets CPT eligibility criteria.

Part-Time vs. Full-Time CPT:
Part-time CPT: Employment for 20 hours or less per week is considered part-time. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in classes full-time and be physically present on campus to maintain lawful F-1 status during approved CPT.


Full-time CPT: Employment for more than 20 hours per week is full-time. Please be aware that 12 months or more of full-time CPT will eliminate eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT).


CPT Extension:

Extension of the CPT is possible only if student contacts the DSO providing a letter from the employer offering an extension of their internship at least two weeks to the current CPT expiration.


To receive an extension of a full-time internship, students must maintain the minimum required GPA in their program; 2.000 for bachelor's degree students, and 3.000 for master's degree students.

A new job offer must be submitted for approval if changing an employer or extending an internship with a new position in the same company.

Over 12 months of full time CPT will eliminate the student’s eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT).


IMPORTANT: F1 students should never begin/continue practical training UNTIL they have the I-20 in hand that provides authorization for the curricular practical training. If the student continues to work without this authorization, they are in violation of their status and SEVIS record needs to be immediately terminated.