Student Complaint Policy

Walsh College provides opportunities for students to register complaints through an informal or formal process. An informal or verbal complaint is handled in the functional area related to the complaint. Students may submit a formal complaint using the Student Complaint form found on Formal complaints are logged and tracked in compliance with the Higher Learning Commission. Walsh College will address and systematically process all student complaints in a timely manner.

Definition of a Student

A student is any individual who is or has been in attendance at Walsh College and about whom Walsh College maintains education records.

Definition of a Student Complaint

A complaint involves a concern, problem or issue other than a disciplinary measure. (The appropriate response to a disciplinary measure which is deemed unfair or excessive, or dissatisfaction with a grade, or progression, probation, or dismissal from a program, is an appeal, not a complaint. Appeals are made through established Walsh College procedures.) Complaints may be academic or nonacademic.

Student Complaint Form

The Student Complaint form provides students with an avenue to submit a concern regarding any area on location for which no other specific process exists. The form should not be used to submit complaints or grievances for procedures that are published in the Walsh College Student Handbook such as:

  • Academic Dismissal
  • Academic Misconduct Appeal
  • Admission Decision
  • Location Security
  • Financial Aid Appeal
  • Grade Appeal
  • Harassment
  • Late Withdrawal or Tuition Refunds
  • Student Misconduct Appeal