Appealing Final Grades/Grade Changes

A student who questions or wishes to clarify a grade must contact the instructor and provide specific arguments for the grade change to resolve the dispute within four weeks after the start of the next semester. A request by a student to dispute their grade after this four-week period will not be considered.

If an error has been made, the instructor must submit an official change of grade to the registrar and director of records and registration certifying reasons for the change of grade. Upon receiving documentation from the instructor, the registrar and director of records and registration will change the grade and post the grade on the Grades/GPA by Term on the Academic Records card in the Walsh College Student Portal. In exceptional or unusual circumstances, the registrar and director of records and registration may determine that additional signature approval must be obtained by the department chairperson and/or the dean of academics (or approved designee) prior to processing the grade change.

Step 1 – Instructor

Contact the class instructor involved to resolve the problem. If resolution cannot be achieved at the instructor level, a student can petition the chair of the department involved. The student may not proceed to step two until the final grade is discussed with the instructor.

Step 2 – Department Chair

The department chair will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve the issue. The chair will notify the student and the class instructor of the decision. The student may not proceed to step three until the final grade is discussed with the department chair.

Step 3 – Final Appeal

If resolution cannot be achieved at the departmental level, a final review may be conducted by the dean of academics. It must be demonstrated to the dean of academics that an instructor’s evaluation was based entirely or in part on factors that are inappropriate or irrelevant both to academic performance and applicable professional standards. In this case, the dean of academics will have the student’s performance reassessed and good faith evaluation established. The decision of the dean of academics is final.