Title IX Policy Statement

Walsh College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities it operates and complies with Title IX’s non-discrimination requirements. Walsh College views all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct, relationship violence, stalking and sexual or gender-based harassment, as reprehensible and therefore prohibited in connection with any Walsh College related activity. Sex discrimination is unacceptable conduct; it undermines the integrity of the employment/learning relationship, debilitates morale, and interferes with the work productivity of the organization and its learning environment.

All staff, faculty, and students have a responsibility to maintain high standards of integrity, impartiality and conduct, both personal and official, thereby ensuring proper performance of Walsh’s business and the maintenance of public trust. Sex discrimination violates those standards. Therefore, violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary action, as determined appropriate by Walsh.

Walsh College will strive to take prompt and appropriate action to eliminate sex discrimination within its operations, prevent its recurrence and remedy its effects. Walsh College conducts ongoing prevention, awareness, and training programs for employees and students to facilitate the goals of this policy.

To Whom Does the Policy Apply?

This policy is applicable to students, employees and third parties. Third parties include all contractors, vendors, visitors, guests or any other third parties.


Complainant means an individual who reports an alleged violation of this policy. Respondent means an individual against whom a report has been made or complaint filed alleging a violation of this policy.


Walsh College does not discriminate against students, employees, applicants for admission or employment, or those seeking access to programs, on the basis of such legally protected characteristics as a person’s race, color, religion, gender, age, height, weight, national origin, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or disability. Such discrimination is unlawful.

Sexual Harassment Policy