A student who receives military orders (deployment, training, etc.) while already registered for a term must email veterans@walshcollege.edu. The student will need to submit a copy of the military orders and a request to drop or withdraw from the course(s). If the activation date of the order was unknown at the time the student registered, the tuition/fees can be refunded and the enrollment certification updated, if necessary. In order to have the tuition/fees refunded, the Late Withdrawal or Tuition Refund Exception form must be submitted to the Business Office.
Walsh understands that students may not be given much notice about a deployment or military order. In these situations, be sure to contact veterans@walshcollege.edu prior to deployment. This allows Walsh to initiate processes to ensure benefits are maximized, out-of-pocket expenses are minimized, and the student’s academic record is not adversely affected.
If the student was deployed or activated and was unable to attend for 12 months or longer, the student needs to contact an academic advisor. The student has the option to move to the newest version of the academic program or stay on the same program they were on at the time of the deployment. If the Veteran opts to move to the newest program, all policies of the newest handbook and catalog will apply and the student may not switch back.